Online store needlework Vinnitsa, Ukraine

Views: 42
To buy various and creative kits for embroidery, choose the appropriate story or picture book outline the optimal scope of services, are offered to the customers of the store "Naboru".

Our products:
- various story and visual composition;
- materials – canvas, brand colored thread;
for beadweaving;
- whole kits for cross stitch;
- pillows and other items with handmade decor.

Among our songs and paintings you can find the following image:
stories Asian and Oriental subjects;
- painting for kids;
images of nature (plants, animals, flowers, insects and birds);
- romantic options, images of people;
- religious motifs, icons;
- exquisite still lifes and landscapes (both natural and urban).

Clients are offered a wide range of brands, manufacturers, and materials in the shop are products that are suitable for experienced professionals and novice masters.

tel. +380972374149

Actual on 03.10.2017