Telephone directory of all cities

This directory provides phones and addresses of more 5000 cities. Here you will find not only the phones of residents, but also telephone numbers of enterprises, their addresses, e-mails. A convenient rubricator in the company directory allows you to quickly find the information you need, and searching the catalog site makes this task even easier. The phone book contains home telephones of city residents, as well as their addresses. All information is added to the directory voluntarily by the users themselves and becomes available to other users after verification by the moderator.

The telephone directory of all cities.

Today, telephone directories of over 5,000 cities are available on the site. Some of them are still in the filling stage. This does not happen very quickly, since the data is added by the users themselves. But some telephone directories already contain tens of thousands of phones and addresses of the city's enterprises.

Telephone directory of enterprises.

The telephone directory of enterprises is absolutely autonomous. You can independently add businesses and organizations to the site in any city. To do this, go to the city page, and click 'Add a new business to the directory'. Then follow the instructions. You can add an enterprise and directly from this page. But then you will be asked to first choose which city you will add it to. To add an enterprise to the directory, click on the link below.