
 This site was created to provide users with up-to-date and relevant information about contact information about companies, enterprises and organizations in each city that is in our database. Today it is more than 5,000 cities in six countries. All information is added by users of the site, but before publication is subject to mandatory verification by the moderator. The relevance of information can be judged by the date of its publication. This date is displayed on each card of the company below. We try not to allow the publication of incorrect or doubtful data, and periodically check the previously posted data. All information of dubious nature is removed from the database.
     For the convenience of searching for information, all enterprises are distributed by type of activity and headings. Also on the site there are search forms that facilitate and speed up the search. The search is made by company names, their descriptions, address, e-mail, phone or site name. The search is available only within the same city, so in order to use the search form, you must go to the city page in the appropriate section. For quick city search you can use the city search form. This form is available on all pages of the site. after you have moved to the city page, just indicate what you are looking for and where exactly (in the name, address, telephone, etc.). After clicking the "Search" button you will be given a list of all the results found. If the list of results is empty, then the information is missing in our meringue or the search terms were incorrectly specified. Try a different search option, or search for businesses by clicking on the links of the rubricator.
     If you want to add information to the database, use the appropriate link or the button "Add a new company to the directory". Before adding, make sure that the information is objective and relevant. After adding the company to the directory, you will be sent data on your email to access your personal account. In your account you can add, edit or delete the information you added. Do not use the directory for spam, spreading false information or promotion of sites. Such information is deleted by the moderator without warning. If you have edited the information on the site, it is re-moderated. In order to confirm the relevance of your data you should not change the description. Just click on the "Actualize" button. Date updated data will be changed to the current. The latest information is always displayed first in the lists, and new and updated data is also displayed on the news page.
The directory does not publish information that violates the law or someone`s rights. Therefore, if you see such information, then immediately contact the site administration by e-mail. Your message will be processed, the information will be verified, and if your suspicions are correct, it will be removed from the site. If you find erroneous data or incorrect information on the site, send the administrator a link to the page with this information, and indicate what you think is wrong. if you have reliable data that you can verify, then let them know in a letter. All information will be checked and corrected.
Contact information can be found on the contact page.