LOGO . Baranovichi, Belarus

Views: 163

"Logo+" is a modern child development center, the area of coziness and home atmosphere in which each child will feel completely comfortable.
For toddlers is rest and exciting entertainment and adults the opportunity to actively develop their children in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.
Team "Logo+" is doing everything possible to have You could always find understanding. We use game feed that is trying to take into account the individuality of each child, using a personal approach and developing children‘s intellectual and creative plan.
The guys will have everything you need and no time for boredom, moods and a bad mood.
In our centre we successfully develop and absorb new knowledge, when they want it, and we know how to create an environment where every child will be good and interesting.
Contact phone: 8 029 830 15 00


Brest region
Baranovichi city

str. Frantsiska Skoriny, 4A
str. F. Skoriny, 4a

tel. +375 29 830-15-00
tel. 8 (029) 830-15-00

Actual on 01.01.2018