Preparation for TPS for chemistry and biology. Brest, Belarus

Views: 177

Assistance in preparation for admission to the University. Highly specialized training courses to the CG.
The action is extended until 20 September. When writing for a group now the cost of the classes will be 8 rubles.
11 class Training to the CG in chemistry and biology (2 times a week in each subject)
Grade 10 Preparation for DH in chemistry and biology (1 time per week for each subject)
9 class Preparing for DH in chemistry and biology, addressing current gaps (1 time per week for each subject)
The first lesson for free.
When you record on both items – discount.
There are groups of the day.
After September 20, the cost will be the same.
+375 (29) 529-22-48 (MTS, Viber)
More information here


Brest region
Brest city

224000, Kuybysheva, 9, kabinet 202

tel. +375 (29) 529-22-48
Actual on 01.01.2018