If your company needs to develop environmental documents, or requires an adjustment of existing ones, we are pleased to provide You our services:
Calculation of individual technological norms of water consumption and sewage enterprises
Work on the development and design of the project of sanitary protection zones (draft, SOX) artesian wells enterprises
Inventory of sources of emissions of polluting substances in atmospheric air
Calculation of maximum permissible emissions
Development of instructions for handling industrial waste
The development of standards for waste
Inventory of production waste
Certification of ventilation systems
Certification and verification of the effectiveness of gas-cleaning installations (GOU)
The development of the project of sanitary protection zone (SPZ)
Development of section "environmental Protection" in the project
Assessment of environmental impact (EIA)
Development of ecological passport of the enterprise (new STB)
Development of instructions for production environmental control (PEC)
Development of documentation for registration of objects of flora
Obtaining integrated environmental permit
Conducting certified software uprza "Environmentalist" calculations of dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere
Acoustic calculation of the certified software package uprza "Noise"
Consultations on environmental issues (freelance ecologist)