Waititi, LTD. Minsk, Belarus

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Our company OOO "Waititi" is working in the field of fire safety.

The company OOO "Waititi", engaged in supply of fire-technical and rescue equipment and means of individual protection and special clothing. All fire fighting equipment that we represent are certified and comply with GOST and TU.

We operates on the basis of special permission (license) № 2952 valid until 7 April 2018 issued by the Ministry of emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus. Our organization has been developed and approved system of quality control of licensed activities, all our products undergo stringent checks.

With extensive experience in the selection and sale of fire fighting equipment, we provide a full range of goods fire and technical purpose.

We are focused on long-term and mutually beneficial cooperation, taking into account the interests of our partners. Individual approach to each buyer allows us to find the most effective model of cooperation. One of the main our advantages and work methods - to go to meet our regular and potential clients!

With us is profitable to cooperate.


Minsk oblast
Minsk city

220114, str. F. Skoriny, 15, kablvd. 1

tel. +375 (17) 396-53-44

Actual on 01.01.2018