Bison, club masters swimming. Minsk, Belarus

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Minsk club masters swimming "bison" is the first and currently the only club public Association of the Belarusian Federation of swimming. Members of the club masters swimming can be both professional athletes and Amateurs, the desire to go swimming, exercise, participate in competitions, win awards, set sports records. For participation in the competition any club member enough to pass a certain standard.

The main purpose of the club:
Popularization of swimming (both professional and Amateur) in Belarus

The main tasks of the club:
- The establishment of a centralized club system, which unites all those who love swimming.
- The development of the activities of the club to attract new members.
- The development of the movement "masters" in Belarus.
- Improvement of sports image of Belarus and Belarusian sailing on the world stage.
- Development of programs of social orientation activity of the club to promote swimming and a healthy lifestyle (the program for social adaptation of elderly people, a program to promote sailing among young people).
- Providing sportsmen and sailing enthusiasts the opportunity to practice and compete in domestic and international competitions of category "masters".
- The formation of loyal attitude to swimming, popularization of this sport among sports lovers, regular viewers of sporting events.

Why such clubs are cool:
- Everyone who joins the club, the opportunity for doing business, a platform to interact with like-minded people for the realization of personal ambitions.
- Members of the club feel part of a community with defined goals and objectives.
- Training in any case (especially if it‘s sports) – the true path to healing and avoiding stress method at the time of "escape" from everyday Affairs and concerns and immerse yourself in a comfortable atmosphere (communication, water "harmonizes").
- First, the club is "working" on the image of the country and swimming as a sport, then shaped the popularity of sailing is "work" to attract new club members, the adoption of a policy of the club, participation in socially oriented projects of the club.
- Promotion of sailing through the club – is part of promoting sports in General and a healthy lifestyle.


Minsk oblast
Minsk city

str. Melezha, 5, korp. 2

tel. +375 (29) 630-53-60
Actual on 01.01.2018