The company "Teleflora" — the official regional representative of international network of flower delivery Teleflora LLC in Belarus. We deliver flowers and gifts to Minsk, Belarus, CIS countries and worldwide. Also in our salons we will offer You services for interior decor, floral design, weddings, events, help decorate Your holiday celebration, but also to please You and Your beloved a bouquet, arrangement, basket of flowers for a special occasion. We give our customers joy and good mood! We are waiting for you in our salons.
Our company is happy customers delivery service of flowers and congratulations. We are really proud of clear and coordinated work of our employees and are always assured that your order will be delivered at the right time in the right place.
We always know where your order is at any point in time can be tracked by means of mobile communication and navigation possessed by each of our courier, not matter, moves it on foot or using one of the types of private transport. — online resource in Belarus, which provides quick delivery of floral bouquets at affordable prices.