Consultation psychiatrist-narcologist. Treatment of alcohol dependence, Smoking. Withdrawal from binge. Treatment with modern, highly effective methods. NLP, coding, blocking dependencies. Physician-doctor of acupuncture, neurologist. The treatment of various diseases by the method of acupuncture, moxibustion. All types of massage. The use of the interview.
consultative and diagnostic reception of the urologist, internist, gynecologist, endocrinologist, ENT doctor. Ultrasound diagnostics of all organs. Laboratory diagnostics: General clinical and biochemical tests, ELISA, PCR, hormones, tumor markers. Treatment room. The system of discounts and promotions!
Admission therapist - Taranenko Mikhail Pavlovich, Zubareva Svetlana Nikolaevna
the gyno - Moskovchenko N. V., Korenkova T. V.,
Chikanova Svetlana
the reception of the urologist - Zabelina Lydia L., Suleimenov Kuanysh Kesetovic
the reception of the neuropathologist - Botobaeva Alla Sydygalieva, Kenzhegarina Paradise Zimakova
the pediatrician - Polyakov Nellie Bagratovna
Ultrasound, ECG - Kramar I Svetlana Vyacheslavovna, Tulegenova Zara Adilbekovna
Medical center "the Garden of Longevity" is the first Chinese medicine centre in Aktobe and West Kazakhstan as a whole. For over five years, the Center successfully provides diagnosis, treatment and prevention of a wide range of diseases, and hundreds of grateful patients proof. We put the health of patients in the first place, because the reputation of the Centre is our main value. To date, the Center‘s staff has extensive experience working with clients and finds an individual approach to each. Doctors of medical center "the Garden of longevity" have high qualification and large experience in the treatment of musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the Central nervous, endocrine and M. D. Treatment is part of Traditional Chinese medicine: Acupuncture; Treatment ; Moxibustion; Manual therapy; Medicinal herbs according to individual recipes; cedar phyto barrel and bed; Therapeutic exercises tai Chi; Treatment of the banks.