Pawnshop in Almaty LLP "ALFA LOMBARD"
Avtolombard Almaty, LLP "ALFA LOMBARD"
Our pawnshop has been operating for over 10 years on the market Kazachstana. Our branches are located in several cities of the Republic. Astana, Taldykorgan, Shymkent, Kapchagai and now in Almaty, we opened a new branch.
Services pawnshop in the last few years, increased its popularity among the citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Our pawnshop of Almaty LLP "ALFA LOMBARD" for more than 10 years provides services in the field of credit insurance. So long time stay in the market indicates that our Lombard people are willing to trust us and for good reason.
Our main principles of work – Avtolombard Almaty LLP "LOMBARD ALFA" – we work in an honest, fair. For each client, we select a unique, suitable for the conditions of credit. Conditions that will satisfy our customers.
For your convenience, we work around the clock and seven days a week. You can contact our managers 24 hours a day, and they will help you. It is important for us to comply with our principles – fairness and justice. These two criteria help us to enjoy the trust of our customers. These are not empty words, it is the aim of our pawn shop.
We will help you to understand all the intricacies of secured loans.
Avtolombard Almaty LLP "LOMBARD ALFA"– we work honestly
on fair terms.