Psychologist Aigul Sadykova. Almaty, Kazakhstan

Views: 149

Full complex of works on provision of it-services, Internet marketing, management consulting.

Our company is a specialist in providing it services and Internet marketing.
Our range of services includes:
Development and support – development from scratch and reconstruction of existing web projects.
The promotion of sites on the Internet – SEO-optimization for search engines.
Configuration and support of contextual advertising in Google and Yandex.
Implementing and configuring CRM Bitrix24 – setting up business processes. Training to work with the service and support portal.
Implementation and configuration of IP-telephony – setting virtual and fixed telephone exchanges. Integration with CRM and sip connection numbers.
Development and support of mobile applications – mobile application will be a key tool for Your business.
Special offer for taxi companies – the creation of call-center, implementation of the program taxi, app creation, website development, etc.
Branding – create a full set of brand attributes, brand book.
Management-consulting – development of business and marketing plan, automation departments, automation systems mebelirovana, etc.
Also, service design, it consulting, software development and online gaming.


Almaty city

010000, str. Syganak, 29, str. 1314
str. Tole bi, 64, str. 23

tel. 516-901
tel. 516-994
tel. 516-926
tel. +7 (7172) 788-358
tel. +7 (777) 718-44-02
Actual on 01.01.2018