Most Media of Future. Almaty, Kazakhstan

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Our services
• We can order the design of the facades of buildings with the use of three-dimensional and neon letters.
• Carried out manufacturing and installation of neon illumination.
• Make guaranteed and maintenance designs decorations.
• Produced design of vehicles, we offer the Express installation of panels and billboards.
• We offer manufacturing and professional installation of advertising signs at any height.
• Performed large format printing on vinyl film, paper, banner fabric on the most modern equipment.
The production and placement of outdoor advertising in Almaty and regions. The company‘s experts also provide free consultation for the installation of structures and the production process.
Outdoor advertising — manufacturing and registration assistance
• The company "Most media of Future" (Bridge media of f) has extensive experience with corporate and clients.
• The range of any light and light advertising, POS materials.
• Qualified brigade of industrial climbers rapidly carry out the installation of any signage and roof installations.
• Design of illuminated advertising in our design Studio is professional designers.
• There are all necessary permissions and licenses for the production of signage and installation.


Almaty city

Alatau, str. Hauryz, 15

tel. +7 (727) 296-91-55
Actual on 01.01.2018