selling. Almaty, Kazakhstan

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Tekhtsentr "VIP 77" exists since 2010. The main directions - toning, noise reduction, sewing slipcovers, dry cleaning, automotive glass installation, polishing.
We maintain so dear to us things — for many of us, something more than a banal means of transportation. We use the latest technologies for the protection of paint, glitter, chic, mirror-like reflection of the surrounding city - that is what is important to us. We maintain the original beauty of the car, protecting it for many years. One of the major goals pursued by us, is refined tuning. We do not make a Grand transformation, we try to emphasize the existing parts to make them even more perfect and modern. It‘s in the details is the top skill for us. We bear the cross of the highest quality, what is generally possible. For us it is most important, more important than money.


Almaty city

str. Tulebaeva, 15

tel. +7 (777) 555-55-28
Actual on 01.01.2018