PTS Engineering. Almaty, Kazakhstan

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The group of companies "Promtekhsnab" is a dynamically developing holding, occupying leading positions in the supply of goods and consumables for the industrial enterprises of Kazakhstan.

We supply from the factories of CIS countries and Europe big list of products: industrial rubber products - conveyor conveyor belts, paronite, non-ferrous metal - aluminium, copper, stainless steel and brass, asbestos products - arrangements with live fish, asbestos Board, asbestos chrysotile, electrical insulation materials - PCB, cardboard, large range of special cable products - cable mkshv to heat-resistant wires MGTF, freons (refrigerants) different brands - R134a, R22, R407, and more.

With each successfully executed by us by application increases the percentage of high quality goods in factories, boiler rooms, schools, kindergartens of our small Country. This means that with every successful application we improve reliability and reduce risks for all people in our Country.

This is the company‘s goal is to improve our Country with each completed application.


Almaty city

050062, str. Marecheka, 2

tel. 395-63-87
tel. 327-69-03
tel. +7 (727) 329-71-67
Actual on 01.01.2018