LLP "SERVICE CENTER SS" in Astana provides the following types of services SELLING, INSTALLATION, INSTALLATION of household split-systems and conditioners semi-industrial purposes, any model, complexity
A large assortment of air CONDITIONERS, Floor, wall, console, cassette, Ducted, Outdoor units of VRV system (14kw),
B E s P L A T N O professional installation leaves the facility to determine the exact cost of the work. Refueling,cleaning of air conditioners, warranty and service, services of elevated work platforms. From 08.00-21.00 hrs (excluding weekends)
Tel: +7 708 425 69 02;
+7 7172 25 69-02;
Astana city, Kenesary street 52, the Residential complex Edem Palace 2, Office 63, (2nd floor)