The service center SS. Astana, Kazakhstan

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LLP "SERVICE CENTER SS" in Astana provides the following types of services SELLING, INSTALLATION, INSTALLATION of household split-systems and conditioners semi-industrial purposes, any model, complexity
A large assortment of air CONDITIONERS, Floor, wall, console, cassette, Ducted, Outdoor units of VRV system (14kw),
B E s P L A T N O professional installation leaves the facility to determine the exact cost of the work. Refueling,cleaning of air conditioners, warranty and service, services of elevated work platforms. From 08.00-21.00 hrs (excluding weekends)
Tel: +7 708 425 69 02;
+7 7172 25 69-02;
Astana city, Kenesary street 52, the Residential complex Edem Palace 2, Office 63, (2nd floor)


The Capital Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Astana city

010000, rayon Esil, str. Dostyk, 5, st

tel. +7 (776) 157-97-16

Actual on 01.01.2018