Emergency opening of locks. This service can be necessary for various reasons, some of them trivial, such as jammed lock, locked car, got the batteries safe. It often happens that You will not be able to repair and open the lock. For such cases, and there is our company. Our experts will help You extra in a not simple situation. Our company Safecrackers Astana is a service of Emergency opening of locks. Our company works in Astana and abroad. Services such as opening of car is the most predictable situation, and often the phone and belongings remain in the car, Our experts in short terms will come to your aid. Also, Our specialists are engaged in repair of locks, for example, jammed ignition, exit one lock repair. As it happens that the car owner can‘t open the trunk of your car, Our specialist will help with this simple problem. There are times when You can‘t get home after a hard day. Lock jammed and the key will not crank!, what to do in such a situation: there are several reasons, broken key, jammed lock mechanism, etc causes no health castle‘s weight. First you need to calm down and not to break the lock, that is, not to apply force to it if you are not confident in what you do, it often happens that the castle remains intact if the client did not use force to it, Preferably after several failed self-attempts not to continue attempts to open the door and call Our specialists. As previously stated, if the specialists will arrive sooner than You try to break the lock the chance to leave the integrity of the castle are great, and after a short time You‘ll have the house and not have to buy a new lock, and in the evening to buy it is just not possible.Also, Our specialists are engaged in repair of safes, but this is characteristic of larger Organizations and government Agencies. Very often it happens that lost keys or lock box code, because in our time we have to save a huge amount of information in mind and sometimes we forget passwords and codes. But it happens sometimes when the box just doesn‘t open, you type the code turn the key safe is closed. To use physical force to safes fraught with costly repairs. Don‘t need the power to pull or push the handle of the safe or force to twist the key in the lock, You still fail to open it because there was a breakdown in the mechanism and most likely You‘re just adding to the problem. Our experts will help You in this not simple situation. We do emergency opening of locks and safes and repair them. There are cases when you can‘t change the code on the safe, or broken the key in the lock, with all the problems of this type, our experts are familiar and help to recode the box to make a key etc. a full range of services for safes. Specifically for government Agencies and various forms of entrepreneurship conclude contracts on complex service of safes is Cash, a Full package of documents. All work is carried out after the documents on the ownership of property or the presence of the district!