GoldenRoad. Astana, Kazakhstan

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We appreciate Your time
Term loan secured by car - 1 hour from the moment You came to us. In our pawnshop all of the assessment and collection of vehicle registration documents for avtozalog and issuing money are carried out in one place.
- We have no hidden fees and commissions
Loan processing, appraisal and evaluation of Your car are free of charge.
- We get your money only after You got your
The interest on the loan payable at the end of the term of avtozalog.
- We have fair credit rates
The credit rate depends on the amount of avtozalog.
- We are responsible for Your car
Vehicles stored in a guarded Parking lot with video surveillance. Your car will wait for You!
- We have convenient credit terms
The loan term is not limited. Without a fee for prolongation of the loan.
- We give you the maximum amount
The loan amount is secured by virtually any car - up to 70% of the market value.
- We need our money, not Your car
If You, for any reason, will not be able to repay the loan upon expiration of its term, and to pay the agreed interest in the agreed period can patch - We appreciate Your time
Term loan secured by car - 1 hour from the moment You came to us. In our pawnshop all of the assessment and collection of vehicle registration documents for avtozalog and issuing money are carried out in one place.
- We have no hidden fees and commissions
Loan processing, appraisal and evaluation of Your car are free of charge.
- We get your money only after You got your
The interest on the loan payable at the end of the term of avtozalog.
- We have fair credit rates
The credit rate depends on the amount of avtozalog.
- We are responsible for Your car
Vehicles stored in a guarded Parking lot with video surveillance. Your car will wait for You!
- We have convenient credit terms
The loan term is not limited. Without a fee for prolongation of the loan.
- We give you the maximum amount
The loan amount is secured by virtually any car - up to 70% of the market value.
- We need our money, not Your car
If You, for any reason, will not be able to repay the loan upon expiration of its term, and to pay the agreed interest in the agreed period can sell a car with our Parking. We absolutely free will provide You with every assistance in this. Thus, You will be able to get all the difference between the selling price and Your debt.
but to sell the car from our Parking lot. We absolutely free will provide You with every assistance in this. Thus, You will be able to get all the difference between the selling price and Your debt.


The Capital Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Astana city

str. Maylina, 16

tel. +7 (705) 571-06-81

Actual on 01.01.2018