I. Q. finance. Astana, Kazakhstan

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Kids business course — growing young enterprise, with 100% business intelligence 12 quest tutorials

A unique program for managing and saving money at the world famous and original business simulations from the bestselling author of “Rich dad, poor dad” by Robert Kiyosaki

Do you want Your child to become the next bill gates, Warren Buffett or Donald trump? Judging by the stories of famous businessmen, they could be anyone.

Only a few people know that his father Warren Buffett was a stockbroker and the father of Donald trump — a real estate salesman. Influence parents ‘ decisions at an early stage of development has a long-term financial results. Now a lot of institutions that offer different programs of study.

Think about it, if they need your child in the future. And we will help you to prepare son or daughter for real life! To reduce expenses and to pay in the first place has the usual stuff for our boys of course participants the ABCS of MONEY.

Give your child the same educational start for financial intelligence.

Make a favorite pastime of a son or daughter financially beneficial for their future.


The Capital Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Astana city

str. Abaya, 116
010000, ave. Tauelsizdik, 34

tel. +7 (7162) 25-20-28
tel. +7 (707) 167-65-67

Actual on 01.01.2018