Ulyanovsk doors in Astana. Astana, Kazakhstan

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"Ulyanovsk door" - successfully developing company. Main direction of our activity - wholesale and retail sale of interior doors in Astana.

We, more than 7 years, we are the official representative in Kazakhstan of the largest Russian plants of interior doors – "Diodoros", "LUXOR", "INDOOR".

We offer a wide range of interior doors, from classic to ultra-modern.

Door presented to us are of the highest standard of performance, reliability, they have an aesthetic design and optimal price-quality.
Our managers have extensive experience, based on the analysis of all advantages and disadvantages of existing products, they will always help to choose the necessary option that best meets your tastes and requirements.


The Capital Of The Republic Of Kazakhstan
Astana city

str. Almatinskaya, 41/1

tel. 46-87-68
tel. 8 (702) 857-16-10

Actual on 01.01.2018