The GENIUS, the learning center. Karaganda, Kazakhstan

Views: 90

1. Accounting from the ground up to balance+taxes+1C 8 + Book +disc 1C (basic concepts of accounting, operations, cashier, Bank, warehouse, inventory, finished products accounting, fixed assets, costing, payroll,capital, tax calculations, practical.classes for example the commercial... Yip, LLP, JSC) – duration 3 weeks 2 academic hours – 25 000 in the group , indiv -35 000 tenge 30 000 fresh
2. Tax accounting,taxation, with access to declarations ( CIT, IIT, social tax, cococcioni, the vehicle tax , VAT) for 2 weeks every day for 1.5 hours -30 000 tenge , in the group of 40,000 ind, pair 35 000
3. Courses on public Procurement the Work on collection of the tender documentation, the Implementation of the public procurement process in accordance with the amendments and additions to Kazakhstan legislation on public procurement. Correct preparation of the tender documentation, the procedure of state procurement, drafting of calculation of local content taking into account the legislation, Methods of procurement. Competition. A request for quotation. One source.
4. "Yip – accounting for Individual Entrepreneurs"
Payroll deductions taxes: OPV, pit, OS, SN. Trial balance with the output on the 910 form, cash operations, Bank operations .4 lesson 2 hours - 35 000 tenge
5. The basics of a PC ( program word, of Excel , pojer point, Internet)Duration 2 weeks for 1.5 hours – ind 12 000, pair the training of 10 000 tenge



Karaganda region
Karaganda city

100056, str. Buhar Zhyrau, 84

tel. 8 (702) 154-23-60
tel. 8 (721) 236-97-74

Actual on 01.01.2018