FezaPlast KZ. Karaganda, Kazakhstan

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The company "FEZA PLAST KZ", established in 2002, offers energy-efficient glass constructions - Windows, doors, balconies and loggias, stained glass and office partitions.
The presence of your own automated manufacturing and high quality materials allows to take into account the needs of customers and lead glazing of buildings in full compliance with the "Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on energy saving".
The company "FEZA PLAST KZ" the only one in Kazakhstan who have achieved the maximum coefficient of heat transfer resistance in their products, which to date is 1.1 m2*°C/W, h, which is almost in 2 times exceeds the requirements of GOST.
"Smart window" company "FEZA PLAST KZ" save up to 35% on heating in winter and conditioning in summer.


Karaganda region
Karaganda city

1000019, str. Ohotskaya, 1

tel. + 7 (7212) 44-50-17
tel. 44-50-18

Actual on 01.01.2018