LLP Management company "City Group". Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

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LLP Management company "City Group" provides services for the management and maintenance of residential and commercial real estate in 2015.

The main aim of our company is the professional provision of quality public services to residents.

More than 300 highly qualified specialists of LLP Management company "City Group" strive to provide the most comfortable accommodation for citizens.

In order to reduce the number of claims, complaints from the population and improving the quality of services there is a special service for quality control services.

The main activities of our company are: implementation of General construction, engineering, electrical, specialty construction, insulating, plastering, painting, sanitary works.

LLP Management company "City Group" is actively introducing energy saving technologies which allow to measure and collect information remotely. The house turning into office are equipped with meters equipped with telemetry.

Our management company has extensive material-technical base, has a personal emergency maintenance service, available in warehouses of necessary materials and spare parts to prevent any emergency.

The policy of LLP Management company "City Group" focused on clear planning of its activities. The success of the company has shown the viability and efficiency of private housing maintenance.


Pavlodar region
Pavlodar city

140000, str. Toraygyrova, 62, str. 8

tel. +7 (718) 278-42-02
Actual on 01.01.2018