The devil Toranil-7, too. Shymkent, Kazakhstan

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We, too, "the Demon Toranil-7" opened at the April 25, 2016. And the project we learned from 2014, carefully counted all the ways of making a concrete block, studied the climate of Kazakhstan, since the climate in this country wet, and it was necessary to create a building block that would be more than any other resisted humidity. We compared it with other building blocks, and chose concrete due to its excellent characteristics.
We started its production with small scale, matter is highly progressed and we started to buy more equipment and hire more staff for expansion, we began to produce much more units than in the beginning of the opening.
In the manufacture of our blocks use high-tech equipment, such as:
The mixer, which mixes the cement wood and bring it to the desired state. It has: wood, aka wood chips, cement M500, liquid glass and mineral supplements.
A conveyor, which delivers mixer-concrete mixture in the matrix (Forms) in the matrix of a vibrating table, which by vibrocompression arbolitovye bring the mixture to density. Press, which compresses the block and gives him even more strength and smoother corners. On the unit is transferred to the area where it dries and becomes marketable, and then sent to the warehouse.


South-Kazakhstan region
Shymkent city

str. Koykeldi batyra, 12/8

tel. +7 (701) 557-96-71
Actual on 01.01.2018