Legal Agency Khoroshevskaya Victoria Victorovna. Aksai, Russia

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* Legal support of organizations and individual entrepreneurs;
* Representation of interests in arbitration courts, courts of General jurisdiction, arbitration courts;
* Representing individuals and organizations in criminal cases in the Prosecutor‘s office, interior Ministry and the courts;
* Preparation of statements of claim, appeal, cassation, supervising complaints and other procedural documents;
* Preparation and promotion of the statements of security claims in arbitration courts and courts of General jurisdiction;
* Drafting of contracts, claims, complaints;
* Preparation of constituent documents for state registration of legal entities;
* Registration of legal entities on the account in tax bodies and extrabudgetary funds;
* Development of schemes of reorganization and change of ownership of organizations, state registration of the reorganization and changes in the constituent documents;
* Services for liquidation of companies;
* Services for registration of transactions in the real estate market;
* Assistance in obtaining licenses;
* Obtaining permits for the construction and reconstruction of buildings and structures, in deviation from the norms of the limiting parameters in the construction and reconstruction;
* Preparation of documents for the redevelopment of premises;
* Protection of consumer rights;
* Assistance in case of accident;
* The recovery of debts.


Rostov Oblast
Aksai city

ave. Lenina, 43/9

tel. +7 (928) 180-83-23
Actual on 01.01.2018