Mobile car wash, dry cleaning at home. Apatite, Russia

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Professional dry cleaning restores colour, removes peculiar smells, pollution, mites, and parasites. The product is a little wet and dries within a few hours.
Give Your things a second life!
Call from 10.00 to 20.00 hours a week.
Upholstered furniture cleaning occurs in two stages - first is dry and deep cleaning products professional cleaner, then chemical wet cleaning extractor machine.
Deep cleaning + dry cleaning:
1. Children‘s sofa - 1400 RUB
2. Sofa (seats three seats) - 2100 RUB
3. Corner sofa(4.5) - 2700-3300 RUB
4. Chair - 800 rubles
5. mattress - 1000-2000rub
6. Carpet, carpet - from 150 RUB/m2
7. The car - from 2900 RUB

Minimum order 2000 RUB!
Check out for free. Outside the city was 15 RUB./km.
Equipment and chemicals used for dry cleaning services: Professional equipment - Karcher, Columbus. Safe chemistry from industry leaders, global manufacturers Chemspec (USA), Kiehl (Germany), professional car detailing products "Mobile Washer".


Murmansk Oblast
Apatite city

str. Fersmana, 32a

tel. +7 (921) 036-02-00
Actual on 01.01.2018