"GEEKS AND GENIUSES" is a unique system of learning lessons for Your child where he can not only improve their skills, to acquire knowledge, to develop, but also to find new friends.Our educational programs are developed taking into account the needs and age characteristics of children‘s development;based on years of experience;using the latest and classic teaching methods;using authoring and ideas.Our teachers will provide all conditions for the harmonious development of Your child, not to drive Your child under a General framework and give the opportunity to unfold fully.
Group of early development (from 1 year to 3 years), preparing for school, groups of short stay group English language training, English teacher, speech therapist, therapist, choreographer, tutor elementary school in Russian language and mathematics.
The main value of School of early development "ANTOSHKA" – our methods. The school program is the result of ten years of selection of the most interesting developments. Classical methods added improvements and additions that have appeared over the years. The effectiveness of each lesson repeatedly proven, and we can say that they bring absolutely amazing results. As You can see, writing Your child to school early development "ANTOSHKA".