Autoinline. Azov, Russia

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Federal online network of driving schools "AUTOINLINE" specializiruetsya on training of drivers of category
Our advantage is that we provide today unique licensed ONLINE service learning theory.
This means that learning takes place not in a stuffy classroom, but in a comfortable environment, at a convenient time sitting at a computer, tablet or smartphone. I.e. the student decides when, where and how much material he needs to learn. High-quality video tutorials with 3D graphics and a professional Speaker (Simple and Clear). The student need never miss a lesson. Because you will always be able to watch the lesson Online and to update their knowledge.
To study at our school, you can both Online and attending Training Point Driving school.
Right now you can take a Free lesson and Assess the Quality!
Practical training takes place on the equipped circuit, with competent and professional instructors, training vehicles (cars).


Rostov Oblast
Azov city

346780, str. Chehova, 28, 4 etazh, (vh

tel. +7 (905) 431-08-88
Actual on 01.01.2018