Private kindergarten "Magic country" is open to children from 1.5 to 7 years. It is located in the ecologically clean area on Leonovskoe highway between the neighborhoods of the "South" and "Kuchino". Nice and cozy cottage surrounded by pine trees fabulously hovers above the ground. To a safe, fenced area are two children‘s play and playgrounds with swings, slides, sandpit and caroselli.
Intellectual, emotional, physical burden on the children alternated walking in the fresh air, meals (we have 5 meals a balanced diet), day time activities. This allows you to learn without harm to the health of a complex program:
mathematics, speech development, world around, art literature, English language, music, choreography, Sambo.
Our "country" is an area fit for safe and exciting games and activities: comfortable children‘s furniture in game rooms, modernly equipped classes with computers and Internet access, music room, colorful benefits, modern materials for children‘s creativity.
Children "the Magic country" are brought up in an atmosphere of respect to adults and to each other, they know what the regime and discipline, but
joyful children‘s laughter and pranks are our inalienable everyday attributes.
Sometimes we purposefully combine children of different age groups on a walk or to the younger learned from the older, and the older kids took care of younger and felt their responsibility. Our task is to teach children to be able to make friends, to feel strong and courageous, ready to fight and win, so that when the time comes, bravely step into adult life