We offer competent and effective addiction treatment in a modern clinic.
We employ the best professionals who for many years saving people‘s lives.
We have collected the best methods of treatment and rehabilitation and continually improve them.
If you or your loved one is in trouble - we can help!
Narcological clinic that offers its services for over 14 years. Experienced professionals the latest techniques in the field of addiction treatment, warranty, and support patients after completion of treatment and rehabilitation.
State tested and Mature professionals.
Comprehensive measures of treatment.
We help to cope with the disaster on several levels – medical, physiological, mental, emotional and spiritual.
We do not leave patients and their families after discharge, and continue to stay connected and after a course of therapy at any moment while continuing to provide assistance.
Our clinic is equipped with all modern equipment.
We have a pool and a sports hall.
We are developing and improving, not dwelling on the results achieved.
Private drug treatment clinic will be best if you for some reason wish to avoid publicity, for our part, we guarantee full anonymity. Turning to us, you and your family will receive a timely and individual treatment program, after which you won‘t see setbacks and relapses.
Our specialists are able to conduct a psychological analysis of personality, to help people, sick addiction, to get on the right path and to realize the necessity of recovery because if the patient does not want to support doctors, the process will not be effective. A serious illness such as drug addiction, not treated at home to cure required substance abuse clinic in Barnaul – the geography of our center.
We use an individual approach to each client. So, if one person to get rid of symptoms have to undergo rehabilitation within 6 months, others may need 10 or more. Private drug treatment clinic is running more than one year, which led to complete recovery of thousands of drug addicts. Work with patients narcologists, psychologists, sociologists, help to return to normal life and become full-fledged members of society and to find a common language with relatives.