The bulb wonders. Belgorod, Russia

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What to give a child? Gifts for a birthday? The most original greetings happy birthday.
The conduct of parties in the scientific style is the new format of the birthday child or adult.
In the laboratory of the mad Professor everything explodes, seethes, hisses, smokes. But all this environmentally friendly and terribly interesting.
Science shows that experiments a complete interactive experience with all participants.
Cryo show is incredible, but the fact show extremely low temperatures (-196 C). Complete freezing of all that is at hand, unexpected properties of liquid remaining the same-read.
All of this provides for you the most creative Agency of the city of Belgorod "Bulb-Wonders".
Individual approach, reasonable prices, promotions and discounts for regular customers.


Belgorod Oblast
Belgorod city

str. Lunnaya, 1

tel. 8 (950) 717-20-23
Actual on 01.01.2018