Torgoviy Dom "prioskolie" CJSC. Belgorod, Russia

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Company "prioskolie" exists because people who are not indifferent to the fate of other people, and that‘s why successfully developing for 12 years and in 2007 was the first in the list of "agro-300", and in 2013 took first place in the poultry market in Russia.
Products made only from organic meats, and is subject to the strictest control at all production stages. For several years prioskolie is the main supplier of poultry meat to Russia and has earned the trust of millions of customers. All products are laboratory tested and certified.


Belgorod Oblast
Belgorod city

308501, p. Dubovoe, mkrn. Berezovyy, s

tel. + 7 (4722) 780-819
tel. +7 (4722) 780-818
Actual on 01.01.2018