Reg Stroy, LTD. Belgorod, Russia

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Fire protection of buildings, facilities, structures and their separate elements today - a reliable and effective way to reduce fire risks. the Company "REG SYSTEM" is a manufacturer of advanced materials for fire protection carries out all complex of works on fire protection of buildings and structures of any complexity

We provide fire safety of objects, using a wide range of instruments and tools that are certified in Russia, and high reliability in situations where it is necessary to minimize the risk of fire and spread of fire.

Ordering the execution of works on fire protection of the company "REG SYSTEM", you get: consultation of highly skilled professionals and quality support in relation to all possible questions on fire safety; tested and certified products and methods of fire safety of all types of structures from all types of materials. reasonable prices on any types of fireproofing materials and a significant reduction in the cost of providing of fire safety of objects.

Our company OOO "REG SYSTEM" uses only the highest quality materials AGRIMAT developed and manufactured nprime partners in BRYANSK PLANT of INSULATION MATERIALS

Fire protection of air ducts the air Ducts of systems of ventilation and conditioning, fire protection of steel ducts and methods of fire protection of ductwork

The fire resistance of ductwork, steel structures (wall thickness less than 0.8 mm) with integrated fire protection system "AGRIMAT Vent" ("FIREMAT Vent"), mounted in accordance with the Technological regulations No. IN-02500345-01/30-180 NO. IN 02500345-05/180, NO. IN-02500345-06/30-180 and No. IN-02500345-08/30-180V depending on the design of fire protection:

The EI 30 fire resistance: fire resistant Material basalt rolled stitched foil MPBR-5-1F fire protection coating TRIUMF thickness not less than 0.4 mm.;

The EI 30 fire resistance: fire resistant Material basalt rolled stitched foil MPBR-5-1F fire protection coating TRIUMF thickness not less than 0,6 mm. (the thickness of the wall of the duct not less than 0.5 mm.);

The EI 60 fire resistance: fire resistant Material basalt rolled stitched foil MPBR-5-1F fire protection coating TRIUMF thickness not less than 0,6 mm.;

The EI 60 fire resistance: fire resistant Material basalt rolled stitched foil MPBR-5-1F, TRIUMF fire-resistant coating with a minimum thickness of 1,2 mm. (wall thickness of the duct not less than 0.5 mm.);

Fire resistance EI 90: Material of piercing the basalt fireproof rolled foil MPBR-8-1F fire protection coating TRIUMF thickness not less than 1.2 mm.;

The fire resistance EI 120: Material piercing basalt fireproof rolled foil MBOR-13-1F, TRIUMF fire-resistant coating with a minimum thickness of 1.8 mm.;

Fire resistance EI 150: Material piercing basalt fireproof rolled foil NBOR-16-1F, TRIUMF fire-resistant coating with a minimum thickness of 1.8 mm.;

Fire resistance EI 180: fire resistant coating AGAMAT Ehkovent -1F 50 mm thick fire protection coating TRIUMF with a minimum thickness of 1.8 mm.

Fire protection of steel structures

Fire-resistant coating OZPM TRIUMF is used to protect from direct flame and high temperatures, metal building designs, in accordance with GOST R 53295-2009. TRIUMF coating is used to improve the fire resistance of steel structures up to 90 minutes, the exploited, inside and outside of structures in industrial and civil construction with a relative humidity of 90%.

Technical characteristics appearance Homogeneous viscous mass of white color appearance of the dried layer Uniform matte white surface Density, g/CC 1.11 level Toxicity non-toxic diluent Water Tinting Possible Packaging Plastic and metal buckets Filling, kg 16, 18, 20 service Life, not less than 15 years storage Life in undamaged packaging, not less, years 1 the Flow of fire-retardant coating of metal, paint per 1 m2 depending on the fire resistance of 5 group of fire retardant efficiency R 45 - 45 minutes of Consumption (without losses) Of 1.03 kg Thickness, mm 0,93 Given thickness of metal 3,4 mm 4th group of fireproof efficiency R 60 - 60 minutes of Consumption (without losses) of 1.41 kg/ m2 layer Thickness, mm 1,27 Given thickness of metal 3,4 mm 3rd group of fireproof efficiency R 90 - 90 minutes of Consumption (without losses) of 2.13 kg/ m2 layer Thickness, mm 4,13 Given thickness of metal 4,13 mm


Belgorod Oblast
Belgorod city

str. Sadovaya, 2a

tel. +7 (985) 231-91-51
Actual on 01.01.2018