Plantain. Berezniki, Russia

Views: 43

In the waves of positive emotions! Such a rest and such travel is on the positive, provides travel Agency ... our Berezniki pilot in restless waves of tourist business. For beginners and travelers with experience ... a real treasure. Competent approach to the creation of programs and itineraries, creative ideas in the development of tourism packages never cease to surprise customers, make the firm visible and competitive in the market of tourist business. A decade of impeccable experience of the agencies in this area allows people to trust the brand, respect its reputation.


Perm Krai
Berezniki city

str. Mira, 44

tel. +7 (919) 49-69-208
tel. +7 (908) 24-30-284
tel. +7 (3424) 29-01-30

Actual on 01.01.2018