Private clinics and medical centers of Bryansk

Private clinics and medical centers :

Total items: 190, Views: 602008
Your chance drug treatment Cabinet
Bryansk, 241035, str. Komsomolskaya, 5a/2

tel. 8 (4832) 34-57-71

The treatment of drug addiction. The treatment of alcoholism. IV fluids at home. Encoding. Hospital. Psychologist. Psychiatrist-narcologist. The removal of breaking. Rehabilitation.
The office was organized a high-qualified specialists working in the field of cell therapy and General medicine. The basis of decision on establishment of the clinic there was a question about the problem of narcotization of the population of our city and the relationship to the treatment of chemical dependency and codependency. The organization has gathered professionals of medical and psychological assistance. Our specialists are not standing still and keep up with the times. Continuous training and knowledge provide many useful in combating addiction. We are also parents and we have children. No one is immune from this disease.

Actual on 01.01.2018
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