Mercury Avto, OOO. Bryansk, Russia

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Our services
Computer diagnostics of the car

Computer-aided diagnosis in Bryansk is one of the most effective ways a thorough inspection of electronic assemblies of vehicles, which gives you the opportunity to pre-empt serious car malfunction and with high accuracy to detect those faults that are already available. With diagnostics you can easily obtain full information about the condition of the vehicle parts, control units and many other nodes, to assess the overall condition of transportation in minimum time.

price от300рублей

Repair of internal combustion engines

Faults do not occur "suddenly" in and of themselves. Their reasons may be different by the process of the engine, its parts wear out, changing their geometry, increasing the clearances between the friction pairs. Wear "contributes" a lot of factors: driving style, operating conditions, untimely and/or unskilled maintenance, low quality fuels and lubricants, working with detonation, pre-ignition, faulty lubrication systems and cooling, etc. as wear of the engine, its operation becomes more cumbersome, higher operational costs, problems appear in the work. Operation worn motor will result in damage. Engine repair damages requires large capital investments.

price от12000рублей

Chassis diagnostics and repair
The main purpose of the suspension in cars is the increase in travel time method of improving the constant contact between the tyres and the road safety of passengers and driver.
Well tuned suspension makes the car more stable on the road, agile, and always has a positive effect on the dynamics of acceleration and improves braking performance of the vehicle. Apart from this, considerably improving the convenience during the trip.
As previously mentioned, the dynamic parameters of the vehicle (the deceleration is also dynamic) is very dependent on the characteristics as of the corresponding mechanisms and knots, invisible from outside, which are intended for connection of the wheels with the car body. As practice shows, to a large extent, the characteristics of vehicle suspension define almost all the components such thing as a "dynamic car". And these components are the handling, acceleration and braking. Therefore, in order to obtain a comfortable handling, which will allow it to accelerate, brake, cornering and just get pleasure from driving, you must diagnose and repair the suspension.

price от300рублей

Repair transmission and replace automatic transmission oil

STO "mercury Cars" repairs of a manual transmission, and oil change in automatic transmission.
Service life automatic transmission with careful operation is 150.000 — 300.000 km. To extend the service life of the automatic transmission, it is important to timely and efficient service. We recommend changing the transmission fluid in the automatic transmission every 40 — It is also necessary to monitor the correct operation of the cooling system of the automatic transmission, because the main damage associated with the malfunction of the cooling system in connection with which overheats the transmission fluid, which leads to failure of mechanical part of the automatic transmission, and an increase in pressure leads to the squeezing of the seal (between transmission and motor) or oil leak under pan gasket automatic transmission. It is also important to monitor the integrity of the automatic transmission to prevent formation of air — and water-in-oil emulsions, which also leads to premature failure of automatic transmission.
We recommended to use the automatic transmission in quiet mode, especially on a cold, while the box did not have time to warm up (10 — 20 minutes). Regularly check the transmission fluid level in automatic transmission, and monitor to avoid smudges.

price от4500рублей

Brake system replacement pad

Brake system serves to reduce the speed of the car, it stops and hold in place the Parking lot. Brake control is an important means of ensuring the safety of the vehicle. To it have the following requirements: minimum braking distance, the preservation of stability under braking, stable braking properties during repeated brake applications, the minimum time delay brake actuator, low effort brake pedal when the course 80-180 mm, the reliability of all brake components. Brake system required attention. The operation of a vehicle with faulty brakes is prohibited.
There are the following brake mechanisms:
wear, damage or contamination (oil contamination) brake pads; wear, deformity, scoring on the brake discs;
loose, deformation of the caliper.
Have them serviced every 15 thousand. km
The basic malfunctions of a brake include:
jamming of the piston of the working cylinder;
leakage of brake fluid in the working cylinder;
a sticking piston in the master cylinder.
leakage of brake fluid in the master cylinder;
damage or blockage of hoses and pipelines;
air leak in the system due to loosening
Changing the brake fluid every 30

price от500рублей

The power supply system of the engine

The power supply system of the engine designed for storing, cleaning and fuel supply, air purification, preparation of the combustible mixture and feeding it into the engine cylinders. On different modes of engine operation, the quantity and quality of the combustible mixture is to be different, and this is also provided by power supply system
The fuel system of the engine is quite gentle, sensitive mechanism. That is the fuel system of the engine in the first place gives apparent failures due to poor fuel, containing pretty much all kinds of impurities with which the manufacturer is trying to boost octane.
Do you need perfume?
Such compounds as benzene, olefin, sulfur, and other, constitute a huge amount of resinous deposits in the common rail, fuel lines, and combustion in the internal and external surfaces of the nozzles. Formed in the injector deposits represent a lacquer black-brown crust, which is not soluble in gasoline, resulting in injector cleaning with their hands almost impossible. Flushing of the injector with his own hands, as a rule, does not bring tangible results. Flushing the fuel system should be made on professional equipment in auto repair shops or service stations. Electronic CIG currently there are a number of professional equipment.
Injector testing can be carried out on specialized equipment, which are equipped with service stations and repair shops, in particular, such equipment is a special stand for atomizers.
Stand for testing of injectors allows to check not only the performance of injectors by simulation of different modes of their work, but also to identify the extent of contamination and to determine the scope of work required to clean and restore the health of the injectors.


Cooling system replace antifreeze

Diagnosis of the cooling system allows to find out the cause of the malfunction of the system.
The main fault — high engine temperature, the temperature gauge is in the red range of the scale, which indicates engine overheating. The main causes of engine overheating
- Insufficient fluid in the system
- Motor overload
Weak tension of the fan belt
- Insufficient performance water pump
- Malfunction of the thermostat
- Clogged pipes
- Closed shutters of the radiator due to a sticking shift control shutters or flaps axis
- Large scale deposition in cooling system

price от400рублей


In recent years, many Russian motorists, getting into the car, not for the first time met with those seasonal problems, which are considered our traditional: not wishing to wind up the engine and the frozen area with frozen panes.
For those who have a car — element of hard business life, and his "readiness" as a prerequisite, the benefits from the installation of pre-heater is obvious. All the long winter he creates in the car is a summer island, and therefore provides independence from the vagaries of the weather and the possibility of 100% use of mobility, which gives a modern car.


repair от2500рублей


In the winter warming up the car - a mandatory requirement for proper operation of the vehicle. During vehicle operation, to heat the passenger compartment, in principle, enough heat produced by a conventional oven away from the motor. However, when the vehicle is stationary, for example in the Parking lot, the heat of the engine is definitely lacking, and the cost of diesel is very expensive. Given this, and taking into account the fact that constant work is bad for the engine, without the Autonomous car of the stove or does not do.


repair от2500рублей


The device sensors may be different, depending on the zones of protection, protected with their help. The simplest example of a sensor is a limit switch. With their help, the system monitors the doors, hood and trunk of the vehicle, rather, the moment they are opened. More complicated sensors detect a blow to the body or glass of the vehicle, the moving objects (motion) in the interior of the vehicle, the temperature of the engine, the tilt or movement of the car.


Electrical repairs

The electrician is a separate branch of mechanics. From the serviceability of its work depends on the degree of operation of the vehicle. Repair car electronics requires special knowledge, experience and tools. The electrician is responsible for the stability of the work equipment depends on the reliability of the car and its safety

price от500рублей

Car audio

To achieve high-quality sound in the car is not as easy as it seems at first glance. All think just bought a cheap car for 2000P, because it contains all possible receivers at a price of 8000R subwoofer for a penny, thin cheap wires distorting the sound, and worst of all, leading to inflammation (especially in summer).
Installation of car audio in the company "mercury Cars" will make the trip on your car comfortable and safe.

price от500рублей

Conditioning system

Automotive Air Conditioning System (VCS)needs to be comfortable, they should provide the most favorable conditions for the driver. The health and wellbeing largely determined by the thermal balance of his body and the most optimal in terms of ambient air at the level of thermal comfort. It is therefore very important to set all parameters only under your conditions and your car. We produce various types of work in SLE: the repair, replacement, adjustment of settings and much more. Turning to us your comfortable climate in the vehicle is the most favorable.

filling от700рублей

repair от500рублей

Liability company tyre replacement

Obviously, every year the situation on the roads becomes more and more intense. Unexpected failure can result in many hours standing at the curb, which will cause a lot of inconvenience to the driver and passengers. In such circumstances, the services of car assistance on the replacement tires are the most common treatment in service stations. We work quickly and accurately, and your discs will not be scratched!Balancing wheels of any complexity. Is repair tire and side cuts.

price от600рублей


Bryansk Oblast
Bryansk city

ave. Stanke Dimitrova
241019, str. Komsomolskaya, 35

tel. (900) 370-21-65
tel. 30-14-64
tel. 8 (900) 370-21-65
Actual on 01.01.2018