Durability, resistance to corrosion and temperature extremes, durability are the main characteristics that make copper pipe widely used in water supply systems, gas supply and air-conditioning. If you want to buy copper pipes in Chelyabinsk, we are ready to offer you the best products, which are designed for installation inside the home and for industrial usage.
The advantages of copper pipe:
corrosion resistance;
increased strength;
easily tolerate extremes of pressure and temperature;
has a small weight;
simple and quick installation.
"The first Copper Company" sells copper pipes in Chelyabinsk, and also expendable materials for air conditioning systems, cooling and heating. We cooperate with such manufacturers as Majdanpek (Serbia) and Revdinsky factory OTSM.
Why us?
The product you always have in stock. Also we ship in any quantity and provide a guarantee on our products. Buy copper pipe in our company can delivery to Chelyabinsk, as well as in all regions of Russia and abroad. We have the best prices on copper pipe in town! Complete your order and make sure.
PROIZVODSTVENNO-Kommercheskaya Kompaniya Tekhsnab, OOO provides pipeline valves corresponding to the standards GOST. We sell the following products: cut-off, which includes: gate valves, butterfly valves, valves, etc., details of pipelines: steel flanges and pipe bends, fittings: couplings and lock nuts, fasteners: nuts and bolts, actuators.