Manufacturing metal structures of any complexity on the order of the size of the customer.
Design of steel buildings and sandwich panels.
Quality installation of steel structures.
Manufacturing of metal structures is a highly complex process. The fabrication is carried out with observance of all technical requirements of GOST. In the case of a correctly produced installation and compliance with the rules of operation, metal structures plant "KMS" reliable, safe and can serve an unlimited amount of time.
Our factory has its own production base and design Bureau, which gives our customer a number of advantages:
design stages of KMD and KM in a short time;
the possibility of rapid erection of buildings not only on standard but also on the individual sizes;
timely delivery of all types of steel structures;
execute non-standard orders;
strict control of production quality;
low prices on steel structures and the erection of prefabricated houses;
providing quality assurance of goods and services.
The company "CCM" has extensive experience in the production of steel. For any marriage or inaccuracies during Assembly, each design is thoroughly tested and, if necessary, refined to a perfect matching of the parts to each other.