Cash loans for any need. Money on the security of household appliances and jewelry .A low interest rate . Selling jewelry and appliances . Our mission is to make money the most affordable and fastest when they are most needed! Favorable conditions for you! On the market we have more than 10 years!
Cash loans for any need. Money on the security of household appliances and jewelry .A low interest rate . Selling jewelry and appliances . Our mission is to make money the most affordable and fastest when they are most needed! Favorable conditions for you! On the market we have more than 10 years!
Best loans for each day
From 500 to 30 000 roubles
Loan term up to 45 days
Low interest rate — from 0,359% on the day
No hidden fee
Improve credit history
9 out of 10 customers come back again
Loans are granted on the basis of the loan agreement. The term of the loan to 365 days. The loan amount to 35,000 rubles. The interest rate of 0.23 percent per day for the use of the loan. Loans are provided to RF citizens who have a permanent job. Borrower‘s age from 18 years.