Spetsremstroygarant, LTD. Chernyakhovsk, Russia

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OOO "Spetsremstroytrest" - centre for the promotion of entrepreneurship.
Our company provides the following services:
• Full legal support of tenders and auctions.Making the first part of the bids at the auction - Form 2.
• Services in support of government contracts.
• A loan (loan) for participation in electronic auctions.
• Issuance of digital signatures to bidding and document management (more than 120 Federal and commercial electronic trading platforms).
• Cost estimates of any complexity for construction work.
• Our company carries out technical supervision of construction.
• Preparation of detailed drawings of metal structures.
• Tendering support, engineering support under one contract.
Services are provided by professional quantity surveyors, engineers, lawyers.
We guarantee the quality of their work.


Kaliningrad Oblast
Chernyakhovsk city

238150, str. Moskovskaya, 17

tel. 8 (963) 293-13-69
tel. 8 (952) 053-39-42
tel. 8 (952) 053-39-57

http://: http://sr-sg.ru
Actual on 01.01.2018