Talako. Danilov, Russia

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With the advent of cold weather, the heater for the apartment in Danilov becomes mandatory. Utilities in most regions of the connecting heat is not in a hurry, and freezing and do not want to hurt anyone. To cold not cause discomfort, we recommend you to buy quartz heater "Talaka". The heater for the house has the form of a monolithic plate of quartz sand from passing inside the heating by the heater. This design transforms the "Talako" energy-saving heater, because quartz sand is perfectly absorbs and stores heat, allowing to reduce the power consumption to the minimum value. The heater for the house ", Talako" still one of the safest modern heaters, you can leave it on during the night and at a time when no one is home. Buy quartz heater in Danilov is now possible directly from the manufacturer by visiting the nearest brand store, "Talaka", which is located in Yaroslavl at the address: Chkalova street 62. Here you can also order the delivery.


Yaroslavl Oblast
Danilov city

str. Chkalova, 62

tel. 8 (4852) 695-216

Actual on 01.01.2018