Are you facing financial difficulties? Want to start your own business or to solve sudden cash problems? Nothing could be simpler – take money on the security of the car. . Loan secured by car or other vehicle is a legitimate, reliable and very fast way to get money in hand and We are at Your service.
Our pawnshop has its own guarded Parking lot.
The advantages of our Company:
For the loan secured car need a minimum package of documents
The loan without income certificate
Pledge taken by any vehicle from motorcycles to vehicles and boats
Low interest rate on the loan
To pass the car as collateral to the Parking lot, to execute all necessary documents for the loan and get the money in one place
In our pawnshop employs only highly qualified professionals in the field of credit
We guarantee full confidentiality of Your treatment in the pawnshop our Company
In addition, we offer a range of services, most of which are free. Our pawnshop does not charge a fee for the extension of contracts for the storing of vehicles, checking and evaluation of collateral are also free. Of course, we insure the mortgaged vehicles at their own expense. We can transfer money to Your card.
Together with our partners, we also develop other types of lending. If You want to get a loan secured on a car, but continue to use it, enough to keep the title pawn on Your vehicle.
Legal entities can also receive from us the cash, in which case they will be credited to the settlement account of the enterprises.
Redemption of broken cars, buy cars after the accident, the Redemption of defective cars
Want to sell high and fast, broken or faulty car?
We buy salvage cars:
- after the accident
- after a natural disaster
- after unlawful actions of third parties
broken and defective cars
Why us?
The MONEY IN the same DAY - both in cash and non-cash calculation!
FREE departure of the appraiser, vehicle inspection, renewal and evacuation!
Will BUY YOUR CAR is EXPENSIVE - are we adequately assess Your car!
Avtolombard "Prestige" offers the best loans in Moscow secured cars and trucks owned by private individuals and commercial organizations.
The advantages of car loan from the company "Prestige":
Fee for the use of funds — 1%. In any Bank of Moscow will you find such low interest rates. The credit period varies widely: from 2 days to 1 year, prolongation is possible.
Fast execution at a minimum of documents. You‘ll get cash within half an hour after your arrival in any of techcentral "Prestige". Simply present the passport, PTS and STS — those papers you to yourself.
Security of the transaction. We guarantee financial transparency and confidentiality of the transaction! do not take hidden fees and charges, provide the possibility of early repayment of the debt.
Transmission car for safekeeping. You can be sure that your car will be perfectly safe in our guarded Parking lot.
A secured car loan trucks and cars issued after a professional assessment. This service is absolutely free. We accept models of domestic and foreign production, including expensive brands. The maximum amount is 5 000 000 rubles (up to 90% of the appraised value of the vehicle).
Give us a call! Managers of pawnshop "Prestige" will take your order and calculate the approximate loan amount on the basis of information about your car. We‘ll wait for you at a prearranged, convenient time for you to procedure the loan took place as quickly as possible.