Educational classes for children aged 2 to 6 years.
Group kratkovremennogo stay.
Group day care for schoolchildren.
Theatre, dance, music, vocal Studio.
Workshop intuitive painting.
Children‘s yoga.
The speech therapist.
For five years, the Frog club offers parents educational classes for children from 1 year to 8 years, for children we offer nasadowski SCE from 8:30 to 15:00. In 2015, opened a second club in Dolgoprudny. The course focuses on the early development of intelligence, musical and artistic talents of each child. A set of children in the Studio is made during the year.
Come for a trial class! We will be happy!
You dream to learn to play a musical instrument, sing a favorite tune and understand music as a professional? Don‘t know where to start? Let the dream come true together! Creative workshop "ElenaMusic" is a music project for adults and children in Dolgoprudny. Believe me, learning music is fun at any age! We are sure You will select the appropriate classes, which have been prepared taking into account progressive musical techniques. Creative workshop collaborates with musicians RAM them. Gnesin. In the framework of the project seminars and master classes with the invitation of interesting creative personalities, including artists of the Bolshoi theatre.
Speech therapy center
"Bird talker" in Dolgoprudny - 15 minutes from the metro
Provides assistance to children:
* violation of sound pronunciation (dyslalia, dysarthria),
* integrated narushenijami of speech (ONR, FIP),
* delayed speech development (ZRR, alalia),
* with a delay of mental development (DSD),
* violation of conduct
* with autistic manifestations,
* sensory-motor impairment.
As well as group classes:
* preparing for school
* General developmental
* logarithmic