I Love Sushi. Dubna, Russia

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In our city there are many culinary establishments. But only some of them can offer really delicious food at affordable prices. We, fortunately, are among the best. Our chef is a real enthusiast: everything he cooks turns out not just delicious, but delicious. To verify this, it is best to try it treats.

We offer fine Japanese cuisine, Italian, national, and even Mexican. All food is prepared according to original recipes of distant countries, so that‘s something you try only visiting foreign institutions, and the ability to do this is not every.
I Love Sushi – world cuisine at home

Satisfying meal, not necessarily to go to our restaurant or even make phone calls. It‘s much easier to order rolls in Dubna, sushi, pizza or favorite salad directly on our website online. Placing an order our managers, very soon each of you can enjoy the spicy fragrance in the kitchen or in the office during lunch.

Also in our institution operates such a service as free delivery of pizza, sushi, rolls and other dishes. To this service are, you need to make an order for the minimum amount – 500 rubles. By doing this condition, you will be able to get your order across to the right Bank and within a short period of time to get pleasure from ordered food.

Courier service our restaurant works flawlessly. We will help you not just to taste some of our culinary masterpieces, but also to organize a friendly party. The company of friends will surely enjoy our treats, and the owners – the cost. Our pricing policy is quite democratic, so tasty food is available to everyone, regardless of income and wages.

We work from 11 in the morning until 11 at night ready to fulfill all your culinary wishes. Hearty and healthy to eat easy, the main thing – to know our coordinates. It is better to try once than 10 times to talk. Therefore, make an order on the website, and have it in my kitchen. Receive bright emotions from life, and from food.


Moscow Oblast
Dubna city

str. Bogolyubova, 19B

tel. 8 (49621) 5-00-99
tel. 8 (910) 424-00-99

Actual on 01.01.2018