Megateks. Ekaterinburg, Russia

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One of the main activities of the company "Megateks" is the recruitment and selection of staff. We provide full-cycle services recruitment Agency: search, selection, selection, hiring, out of state, and the subsequent management of the staff in St. Petersburg and in other Russian cities.
Megateks provides outsourcing services, recruiting and cleaning, as well as new services: outplacement and mystery shopper, at a high professional level.
We provide comprehensive industrial and storage operations.
The company Megateks has experience in conducting inventories of stores in different cities of Russia. If you need the services in recruitment and selection of personnel for various companies and organizations - just call us and our managers will do everything at its best.
Provide services of Outsourcing, Recruiting, Cleaning, Outplacement, mystery shopper"


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

620016, str. Predelnaya, 57, liter 3A,

tel. 8 (800) 250-14-32
Actual on 01.01.2018