R. Management. Ekaterinburg, Russia

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The company "R. management" is the biggest regional management company, providing its services on commercial real estate with a total area of 250 thousand square meters.

The main directions of our activities:
• Manage tenant relations: monitoring compliance with the conditions of leases, renewal, renegotiation and registration of contracts, monitoring timely receipt of lease payments.
• Commercial management: increase of revenue and optimization of expenses by object for the purpose of receiving the owner a stable income and increase the investment attractiveness of the object.
• Management of the marketing object.
• Organization of relations between the Owner, tenants, service providers, regulatory bodies, utilities.
• Organization of technical maintenance of engineering systems and building equipment (fire extinguishing systems and fire extinguishing systems, ventilation, air conditioning, electricity, heating, water and sanitation, etc.).
• Organization of protection.
• Organization of complex cleaning of the property and the surrounding area, removal of snow and debris.

We can begin its activities at any stage before and after object delivery in operation. For each object, we assemble a program operation, tailored to its specificity. In the program operation may include a standard list of services, and developed according to individual Customer requirements.
Cooperating with our Company, the customer gets the following advantages:
• Ability to focus on their own core business;
• Significant reduction of management costs and technical maintenance of real estate;
• Professional service buildings, engineering networks and systems.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

str. Radishcheva, 6a

tel. +7 (343) 247-82-91

Actual on 01.01.2018