The working class OOO. Ekaterinburg, Russia

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"Working class" provides services of unqualified personnel in Yekaterinburg for your company. We will perform the routine work for you in the selection and hiring of staff.
Outsourcing is the delegation of certain functions to outside contractors that specialize in a particular pool duties for mutually beneficial cooperation.
Staff leasing is a management technology, a kind of outsourcing, supporting business processes, necessary human resources using the services of another organization.
With outsourced personnel you:
• save money on staff turnover.
• reduce the cost of maintaining seasonal workers.
• forget about the worries on selection and recruitment.
• reducing the tax burden.
• the presence of the supervisor on the orders.
• full financial responsibility.
• withdrawal from the company of the obligations under the employment dispute with an employee.

We have a base there are workers in the following specializations:
1. Cashiers
2. Cleaners
3. Packers
4. Movers
5. Packers
6. Carmike
7. Laborers
8. Excavation work
9. Box by box collection with a scanner
10. Handymen

"Working class" checks of each employee and ensures professional competence and high quality of outsourcing. We provide services under the contract, therefore, entirely responsible for the work performed.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

620000, 8 Marta, 158

tel. +7 (922) 221-22-99

Actual on 01.01.2018