First Appraisal Company. Ekaterinburg, Russia

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"The FIRST OTSENOCHNAYA KOMPANIYA" ("ASSESSMENT") — modern and reliable company in the market of services in property valuation, expertise, investment consulting and projects. High qualification of employees of the company is confirmed with diplomas, certificates, experience for major project of national importance, experience with foreign partners. The company‘s participation in the process of Mortgage lending as a valuation expert, allowed to form a pool of partner banks, who appreciate working with reliable and professional companies.

Every year, customers confirmed a high level of training of employees, partnerships with the giants of the steel industry, the oil and gas industry - all this testifies to the correct selection of the course of development of the company. The company is grateful to the partners that have supported us from the beginning - this SAIZHK and AIZhK and arizhk, and MTS Bank, and VSMPO-AVISMA Corporation, Evraz Group, First Freight Company and many others. To work for the good, to appreciate partners and strive for the sustainable development of the creed and the task of our team!


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

620014, str. Antona Valeka, 15

tel. +7 (343) 204-75-45
tel. 8 (804) 333-05-77
Actual on 01.01.2018