The first virtual place. Ekaterinburg, Russia

Views: 93

Club virtual reality #Firstvrplace is a place where You can be in a different universe, archery, protecting the village, climb mount Everest, skiing and more!
The clubhouse features:
• as many as 4 gaming area 3x3 meters with helmets, HTC Vive
• mega-positive employees who will support and tell all
• Crazy emotions, excitement and an unforgettable experience!

Only we have up to 4 people in the game at the same time fight against a squad of zombies shoulder-to-shoulder with your friends!
Select precisely what You need, come with the whole family - from 6 to 106 years) There are games for the youngest visitors!

In club "the First virtual place":
• To get new emotions
• Surprise
• To celebrate a birthday, corporate, bachelor party, etc.


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

620075, ave. Lenina, 49

tel. 8 (922) 137-73-07
Actual on 01.01.2018