B-Happy. Ekaterinburg, Russia

Views: 78

Balloons in Yekaterinburg
Company "B-happy" offers balloons in Yekaterinburg delivered to the specified address.
We ordered:
- color and monochrome marbles;
- balloons with prints, drawings, patterns, greetings;
- foil options;
- close walking balloons, models in the form of numbers;
- colorful and unique sets;
- original holiday shapes out of balloons;
- as well as products for celebration and creative gifts.

A professional designer conducts an informative consultation with each client, gives advice and tips for proper selection of the composition.
What else do our clients get:
- balls from the finest materials – natural latex, durable foil;
- weights and wheel weights to fix the sets;
- detailed instructions for transporting and storing balls;
- timely delivery to the correct address;
- possibility of shipment of the ordered beads.
We are glad to each client and are always ready to offer our customers the best design solutions.
Our address: Ekaterinburg, street Moscow, 216
Phone: 8-909-018-20-30;
Website: ekbbhappy.ru


Sverdlovsk Oblast
Ekaterinburg city

str. Moskovskaya, 216

tel. +7 (909) 018-20-30

Actual on 01.01.2018